Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Class Syllabus

Who should take this class: 
Anyone interested in learning lighting.  No prior knowledge of lighting is required. 

Class Description:

This course is an opportunity to learn the laws of light and to gain an appreciation of how important an understanding of light is to a photographer’s process. The class will begin with an exploration of the physics of light in order to explain its behavior. The weekly sessions and assignments will teach the student how to approach every lighting experience with confidence.  The purpose is to master these concepts and to ensure effective application of this knowledge. The ability to problem solve is a crucial element when faced with challenging lighting situations and without this understanding it is very difficult to move beyond obvious limitations. The ultimate goal is to be able to apply these concepts and then to see all the possibilities. 


Each week there will be a demonstration and a class exercise that will end with a weekly assignment. There will be a total of thirteen weekly assignments and one final project.

Each student will post their weekly assignments on their lighting blog along with a sketch and brief explanation of their results. 


A commitment from the students is expected. Being on time, prepared with homework and ready to learn are requirements.  The student’s aesthetic approach to lighting will also be a factor in grading. 


Lesson  1:  Inverse Square Law
Lesson  2:  Angle of Incident, Light Travels in a Straight Line
Lesson  3:  One Light Source
Lesson  4:  Three Light Source
Lesson  5:  One Strobe
Lesson  6:  Strobe and Tungsten
Lesson  7:  Hand Flash
Lesson  8:  Outdoor Flash
Lesson  9:  Light Painting
Lesson 10: Shiny Metal and Glass
Lesson 11: Night Photography
Lesson 12:  Stop Action
Lesson 13:  Size Matters
Lesson 14:  Bring in a lighting problem to solve
Lesson 15:  Review final assignment

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